Sunday, January 10, 2010

An Interview

..... with my four year old daughter. I saw someone else do this interview about money with thier child and thought it would be funny to see what Hailey's answers were.

1. How old are you?

2. Do you like money?

3. What do you like about money?
i can buy a house

4. How much money do you have?

5. How much money does mom and dad have?
not a lot

6. How much money is there in the world?
a whole bunch

7. How do you get money?
i find it

8. What is a bank?
somewhere that you put it in the bank and get a house

9. If you had $100 dollars what would you do with it?
put in the bank and then buy a house at home depot or something like that

10. How much money would you like?
fifteen dollars

Let me explain some of her answers....

As you probably noticed she mentioned buying a house several times. Mike and I have been talking to her about how important it is to save money instead of spending it all. He has been explaining to her that he saved most of his money when he was younger, and was able to buy our house because of how much he had saved. He also explained to her that if she saves her money, she can buy her own house when she gets older. So, for now at least, this is her plan: save her money to buy a house.

The other thing she mentioned that needs some background explanation is home depot. We have just finished turning part of our basement into a room (thanks PawPaw), and we got all the supplies at Home Depot. So... therefore, to buy a house you buy the materials at Home Depot. She is one smart cookie! :)

Oh, and I loved her answer to number five! She was dead on! :)

I will try and post interviews with Hailey again. I love hearing her answers!